Content Posted in 2024
A Case for Changing the Age of Majority From 18 to 22 Years of Age in Massachusetts, Gabriella M. Barbuto
Active on the Street but Apathetic at the Ballot Box? Explaining Youth voter Behaviour in Tunisia's New Democracy, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs
Advancing College Diversity and Access Through Partnership, Audrey Falk, Raisa Teresa Carrasco-Velez, Michael Shannon, and Erika Proulx
Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through Higher Education Community Engagement, Audrey Falk and Melissa Nemon
Appreciative Inquiry and Graduate Students' Professional Development, Audrey Falk
Attitudes Towards Community Engagement: An Exploratory Study of Dominican Young Adults in Lawrence and Transnationalism, Jessy M. Abramson
Bringing Us Back to Our Creative Senses: Fostering Creativity in Graduate-Level Nursing Education: A Literary Review, Karen V. Duhamel
Burning Embers: Youth Activism and the Hope for Democracy in Tunisia, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs
Complementary Uses of the Magnetic Vector Potential for the Understanding and Teaching of Electromagnetics, Jack Adams and Christopher L. Duston
Complicated Grief: An Arts-Based Trauma-Informed Approach, Jessica J. Porter
Connection Over Content: How Civically Engaged Research Can Improve Teaching, Research, and Service, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs
Creativity and the Golden Years: Biopsychosocial and Cultural Influences for Living a Successful Life, Karen V. Duhamel
Cultivating Diversity: An Examination of the Importance of Educators of Color, Damara Reid
Culturally Competent Care for Older LGBTQ Patients, Karen V. Duhamel
Do Democratic Revolutions ‘Activate’ Participants? The Case of Tunisia, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs, David Doherty, and Peter J. Schraeder
Dr. Seitchik’s AI Research and Writing Companion: A Student's Handbook for Leveraging Technology, Allison Seitchik
Embedded Support in the College Writing Classroom: A Teaching Reflection on Late Pandemic Pedagogy for TRIO Students in an Intensive Transitional Summer Course, James P. Austin and John Gavin IV
Empowering Students of Color to Study Abroad: Effective Approaches for Predominantly White Institutions, A'mari Bing-Way
ERA Now?, Katherine DiBari
Experiential Education: The Impact of Learning by Doing, Jennifer Taymor Hart
Exploring the Literature and Rationale for Global E-Cultural Learning, Audrey Falk
Exploring the Literature and Rationale for Global E-Cultural Learning, Audrey Falk, Martina Jordaan, Sameerah T. Saeed, Nour El Houda Chaoui, and Madasu Bhaskara Rao
How Improving Policies Around Immigrants and Refugees Can Help the US Economy, Lisa Leedy
Identifying Barriers to Teaching LGBT Health, Karen V. Duhamel
Immigrant and International Students’ Status and Mental Health in College, Stephen Adagwuni
Intersections Between Childhood Maltreatment and Social Functioning in Adolescence: A Systematic Literature Review, Morgan Messina
Introduction to the Symposium: Civically Engaged Research and Political Science, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs, Douglas R. Hess, Graham Bullock, and Adriano Udani
Key Principles for University-Community Partnerships: A Qualitative Case Study of a Successful Coalition During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Michael Preston
Leadership & Learning: A Qualitative Community Service Policy Analysis for Student Athletes in College, Jason Pollina
Making High-Quality Videos on an Inexpensive DIY Lightboard (with Technical Tips Relevant to all Budgets), Craig Looney
Mental Health Outcomes Among Latinx Immigrants in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review, Rosmery Medrano
Merrimack College Campus Community Policing Program, Gregory Pepper
More Sick, More BROADLY Spiritual: A Comparison of the Spirituality of Adolescents with and without Chronic Illness, Carrie A. Ives
Navigating Gentrification: Exploring the Relationship Around Immigrant Integration, Sense of Belonging, Social Capital, and Success, Patricia Stocker
Pastoral Insight for the Development of the Spiritual Life of Children, Annie McDonnell
Peer Support of Graduate Students of Color through a Formal Graduate Student Association, Audrey Falk and Kya Rose Roumimper
Reflections on an Innovative Approach to Studying Abroad in Nursing, Karen V. Duhamel
Reimagined Intercultural Land Use: Assessment in Dorchester, Massachusetts’ Cultural Neighborhood, Dinebari Adumene
Research and Creative Achievement Conference 2024 Program, McQuade Library
School Participatory Budgeting: A Civic Education Model for Critical Youth Empowerment, Joshua Rodriguez
Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment: An Interventional Approach for Campus Counselors, Karen V. Duhamel
Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) As a Harm Reduction Public Health Approach for At-Risk College Students, Karen V. Duhamel
Second Chance for Youthful Offenders: Intervention, Prevention, Solution, Monieke Nikole McNeil
Skin Color and System Support in Latin America, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs, Peter M. Sanchez, and David Doherty
Strengthening Faculty Engagement and Partnerships through a Community of Practice, Audrey Falk, Barrett Brenton, and Martina Jordaan
Systematic Comparison of Ultraviolet vs. White Light for Lightboard Illumination, Craig Looney
The Disciplining and Professionalization of Community Engagement: The Master's Degree, Audrey Falk and Jamie Willer
The Disciplining and Professionalization of Community Engagement: The Master’s Degree, Audrey Falk and Jamie Willer
The Implementation of Harm Reduction Strategies in Eating Disorder Treatment: A Systematic Literature Review, Domenica Hudy
The Power of Community in Inspiring and Pushing Youth into Higher Education as a Means of Improvement, Laurine Faro
The Praxis of Partnership in Civically Engaged Research, Kirstie Lynn Dobbs and Adriano Udani
This Week at McQuade | Fall 2023, Lyena C. Chavez
This Week at McQuade | Spring 2024, Lyena Chavez
Thomas Merton: The Connection Between Contemplation and Activism, Leslea Linebarger
To Be Heard and Seen: Students of Color Call for a Sense of Belonging and Support in Higher Education, Daisha Dukes
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2018, McQuade Library
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2019, McQuade Library
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2020, McQuade Library
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2021, McQuade Library
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2022, McQuade Library
Tolle Lege Works Published in 2023, McQuade Library
Using Green Chemistry to Build Community: How Transformational Learning Impacts the Building of a Community of Practice, Michelle Ernst Modera
What Does Involvement Look Like for Cape Verdean Families in Boston: The Opportunities and Challenges of Being an Engaged Parent in Boston Public Schools, Losangela Batista
What Do School Counselors Actually Do?, Victoria Grace Kelliher
Who Can Teach? Making the Case for Adult Learners as Adult Education Teachers, Alisa Vlahakis Povenmire
Wiping Out: Living Diaper to Diaper, Kaleena Thompson Laguerre