Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

First Advisor

Jonathan Kessler


Interracial adoption, which is the practice of placing a child or youth of a specific race or ethnicity with a family of a contrasting race or ethnicity, has become more prevalent in today’s world because of the overrepresentation of children and youth of color in the child welfare system. Although interracial adoption has been a controversial topic with little information in the past, it is known that identity plays a huge role in the development of children and youth as they grow. Experts have expressed concerns that interracially adopted children and youth are at risk for loss of identity including culture, heritage, and tradition, as their adoptive families often lack the comprehensive education and cultural awareness that is needed to support them. Loss of cultural identity and tradition may also increase an individual's mental health challenges. This systematic literature review evaluates recent studies related to racial and ethnic identity, self-esteem, parent-child relationships, child development, and various education interventions and tools to understand and examine the relationship between interracial adoption on the adoptees experiencing it. Findings suggest interventions and strategies that are effective and beneficial for adoptees and families that are involved in interracial adoption.
