Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2017

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access


Dr. Audrey Falk


This research is a qualitative study to understand the immigration experiences and the community perspective of eight Dominican young adults residing in Lawrence, Massachusetts. In-depth interviews and a focus group were used as methods for data collection. The young adults provided insight to answer the research questions regarding their lived immigration experiences, their expectations, and ideas about community engagement and the education system in the Dominican Republic and the United States. In addition, they disclosed transnational pressures that exist in the lives of immigrants and first-generation Dominicans in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The findings suggest that Dominicans hold positive views towards community engagement and that 1) age at the point of immigration, 2) migratory family separation, 2) educational background, and general living conditions do influence young adult’s attitudes towards the Lawrence community and school engagement. However, these factors may not be informing the delivery of social services, community resources, and school accommodation programs for newcomers. Some recommendations include 1) creating cultural spaces to allow individuals to share their experiences and celebrate their Dominican heritage and 2) improving the education system intake and placement processes by considering newcomers’ immigration experiences and offsetting potential acculturation stress.
