Date of Award

Spring 2019

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

First Advisor

Michael Stroud


This thesis was written with the specific intent and purpose to address and bring awareness to the “true” underlying causations of juvenile crime and delinquency. To create a new systematic approach and set of policies that effectively diminishes juvenile crime and delinquency and implement and promote new effective solutions of systematic accountability. Although there have been several slight attempts to change the model in which we handle delinquency and crime, an overall change to the system as a whole is warranted. There must be a more comprehensive strategy and culpable understanding of the correlation between the behaviors of crime and its causations. Often times the juvenile justice system and its administrators neglect to comprehend the lasting devastation of the underlying issues or lasting effects of homelessness; poverty, untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues, unsafe living conditions, violence, neglect/ward of the state, academic failure/expulsion, trauma/abuse and substance abuse. The program Second Chance for Youthful Offenders was created in direct response in an effort to address juvenile delinquency and promote systematic accountability. We will take a further look into these issues equally but separately, while isolating the correlation between these issues and its effect on criminal behavior and crime.
