Document Type

Poster Session

Publication Date

Summer 2024

Meeting Name

2024 American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting

Meeting Date

July 6-10, 2024

Meeting Location

Boston, MA

Abstract/ Summary

Since Peshkin’s invention of the original open-hardware lightboard, tempered low-iron glass has been the preferred lightboard writing surface: low-iron for maximal transparency, tempered for safety and durability. Unfortunately, the tempering process often leaves marks on the glass that become highly visible when illuminated with edge-mounted white LEDs. One obvious idea is to illuminate the glass with UV LEDs; the UV light should cause the fluorescent marker writing to visibly fluoresce, while UV light scattered by defects should be invisible. McCorkle and Whitener (2017, 2020) reported a qualitative performance enhancement for near-visible UV blacklight illumination, but no systematic investigations have been reported. I have therefore undertaken a systematic comparison of UV vs. white-light lightboard illumination. My initial results indicate that near-visible blacklight UV LEDs do indeed provide superior masking of tempering-related defects; these and further results will be presented.
