Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2024

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access


Melissa Nemon


Traditionally studying abroad is an opportunity afforded to college students. For many, it is perceived as a desirable and essential component to the college experience. Initially developed by a white professor for white students at a predominantly white institution (PWI) to immerse themselves in European culture. The study abroad model in higher education was not designed with inclusivity in mind. However, research suggests that access to such opportunities depends on a student’s network to include: social, cultural, and financial capital as well as the university’s investment in empowering students to participate in study abroad programs. Historically, government funded initiatives have sought to increase the number of students studying abroad, and more recently enhancing the participation of students of color. Studies imply that accessibility and awareness for all college students is not equal. This study uses the community cultural wealth framework and transformative learning theory to explore how students of color attending a PWI perceive study abroad programs and how enhanced support, awareness, and targeted marketing can improve their participation in study abroad opportunities. Ultimately, inclusive marketing on PWI campuses will assist in dispelling the stereotypical images and thoughts associated with studying abroad.
