Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2024

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access


Dr. Melissa Nemon & Dr. Audrey Falk


The Lawrence Math and Science Program (LMSP) Strategic Plan focuses on enhancing volunteer and participant engagement to promote STEM education in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Through qualitative interviews with key stakeholders, including previous LMSP coordinators, faculty members, volunteers, and middle school teachers, insights were gathered to inform strategic planning efforts. The research topic addressed the need to sustain and grow the LMSP volunteer base while adapting the program to meet the changing needs of Lawrence middle school students. The population studied individuals directly involved in LMSP and its implementation. Methods involved qualitative data collection through one-on-one Zoom interviews, which were analyzed to identify key themes and recommendations. Results highlighted the importance of quality over quantity in volunteer recruitment, the value of dedicated student participants, effective communication strategies, and the potential impact of compensating volunteers. Implications of the research findings underscored the need for ongoing reflection, collaboration, and adaptation in community engagement initiatives. The application of these results can inform future strategic planning efforts within LMSP and similar STEM education programs, ultimately enhancing participant engagement and program effectiveness.
