Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2018

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Melissa Nemon


According to Lawrence Public Schools (2017), 64.9% of students are economically disadvantaged, meaning that many of these students may not be receiving the mental health treatment they need. For this project, a facilitate discussion on mental health and art as an outlet for one’s emotions occurred at Elevated Thought, a youth and social justice organization in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Altogether, the discussion brought up four themes: 1) Community & Institutions, 2) Lack of Access, 3) Mistrust & Stigma, 4) Art & Self. Through creative dialogue, the youth involved successfully reflected on their understanding of mental health, the stigma behind it, and how art can act as a positive outlet for emotions, primarily as a substitution for positive relationships with adults that they lack.
