Submissions from 2024
0023 Light- and Meal-induced Phase Resetting of Circadian Lipid Rhythms in Humans, Leilah Grant, Joon Chung, Corrado Garbazza, Lauren McKenzie, Montserrat Perez Nogueiras, Alexander Gotto, Melissa St Hilaire, Steven Lockley, and Shadab Rahman
The effect of a dynamic lighting schedule on neurobehavioral performance during a 45-day simulated space mission, Leilah K. Grant, Brianne A. Kent, Shadab A. Rahman, Melissa St Hilaire, Crystal L. Kirkley, Kevin B. Gregory, Toni Clark, John P. Hanifin, Laura K. Barger, Charles A. Czeisler, George C. Brainard, Steven W. Lockley, and Erin E. Flynn-Evans
Time of Day and Sleep Deprivation Effects on Risky Decision Making, Noelia Ruiz-Herrera, Mia Friedman, Melissa A. St Hilaire, Arturo Arrona-Palacios, Charles A. Czeisler, and Jeanne F. Duffy
Cross entropy and log likelihood raio cost as performance measures for multi-conclusion categorical outcomes scale, Eric M. Warren, John C. Handley, and H. David Sheets
Submissions from 2021
Reflection of a Horizon Image on the Surface of Water, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Steve Warner, and John-Paul Mayer
Submissions from 2020
Experiential Learning Framework for Smaller Computer Science Programs, Zachary A. Kissel and Christopher S. Stuetzle
Experiential Learning in the Technology Disciplines February 2020, Patricia Sendall, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Zachary A. Kissel, and Tahir Hameed
Submissions from 2017
Identifying Inexpensive Off-the-Shelf Laser Pointers for Multi-User Interaction on Large Scale Displays, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, and Tyler Sammann
Submissions from 2016
Incorporating Energy Related Concepts into EE and CS Laboratory Work and Coursework, Jack Adams and Christopher S. Stuetzle
Submissions from 2015
Computer Erosion Modeling Considering Soil Hydraulic Conductivity, Mehrad Kamalzare, Thomas F. Zimmie, Zhongxian Chen, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, and Randolph Franklin
Public Debate Format for the Development of Soft Skill Competency in Computer Science Curricula, Christopher S. Stuetzle
Introduction to Network Security: Theory and Practice, Jie Wang and Zachary A. Kissel
Submissions from 2014
Evil Robots and Helpful Droids: A Seminar for a Junior/Senior Artificial Intelligence Course, Lisa N. Michaud
The Human Computer, Christopher S. Stuetzle
Submissions from 2013
Computer Simulation of Levee Erosion and Overtopping, Mehrad Kamalzare, Tianning Steven Han, Matt McMullan, and Christopher S. Stuetzle
Applying Machine Translation Metrics to Student-Written Translations, Lisa N. Michaud and Patricia Ann McCoy
Submissions from 2012
Validation of Erosion Modeling: Physical and Numerical, Mehrad Kamalzare, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Zhongxian Chen, Thomas F. Zimmie, Barbara Cutler, and W. Randolph Franklin
AND, OR, NOT: Teaching Logic in CS0, Lisa N. Michaud
Computer simulations and physical modelling of erosion, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Zhongxian Chen, Barbara Cutler, W. Randolph Franklin, Jared Gross, Katrina Perez, and Thomas F. Zimmie
Segmented Height Field and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Erosion Simulation, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Zhongxian Chen, Katrina Perez, Jared Gross, Barbara Cutler, W. Randolph Franklin, and Thomas F. Zimmie
Representing Terrain With Mathematical Operators, Christopher S. Stuetzle and W. Randolph Franklin
Submissions from 2011
Analyses, Simulations, and Physical Modeling Validation of Levee and Embankment Erosion, Zhongxian Chen, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, Jared Gross, W. Randolph Franklin, and Thomas F. Zimmie
COMPUTER SIMULATION OF OVERTOPPING OF LEVEES, Mehrad Kamalzare, Zhongxian Chen, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, W. Randolph Franklin, and Thomas F. Zimmie
Measuring terrain distances through extracted channel networks, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, Zhongxian Chen, W. Randolph Franklin, Mehrad Kamalzare, and Thomas F. Zimmie
Submissions from 2010
Quantitative analysis of simulated erosion for different soils, Zhongxian Chen, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Barbara Cutler, Jared Gross, W. Randolph Franklin, and Thomas F. Zimmie
Simulating Levee Erosion with Physical Modeling Validation, Jared Gross, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Zhongxian Chen, Barbara Cutler, W. Randolph Franklin, and Thomas F. Zimmie
3D oceanographic data compression using 3D-ODETLAP, You Li, Tsz-Yam Lau, Christopher S. Stuetzle, Peter Fox, and W. Randolph Franklin
Learning Data Structures through Text Adventure Games, Lisa N. Michaud
Submissions from 2009
Evaluating hydrology preservation of simplified terrain representations, Christopher S. Stuetzle, W. Randolph Franklin, and Barbara Cutler
Submissions from 2008
Using Metaphors in Dynamic Social Stratification Visualizations, Michael B. Gousie, John Grady, Ben Burrage, Robbie Grossman, David Machado, Sarah Milewski, and Christopher S. Stuetzle
King Alfred: A Translation Environment for Learners of Anglo-Saxon English, Lisa N. Michaud
Submissions from 2007
Computer Modeling and Visualization of Luminescent Crystals: The Role of Energy Transfer and Upconversion, Christopher S. Stuetzle
Submissions from 2006
Capturing the Evolution of Grammatical Knowledge in a CALL System for Deaf Learners of English, Lisa N. Michaud and Kathleen F. McCoy
Submissions from 2005
Obfuscation of the Standard XOR Encryption Algorithm, Zachary A. Kissel
A Model to Disambiguate Natural Language Parses on the Basis of User Language Proficiency: Design and Evaluation, Lisa N. Michaud, Kathleen F. McCoy, and Rashida Z. Davis
Submissions from 2004
Empirical Derivation of a Sequence of User Stereotypes for Language Learning, Lisa N. Michaud and Kathleen F. McCoy
Submissions from 2003
Associative Memory and the Board Game Quarto, Zachary A. Kissel
Submissions from 2001
Error Profiling: Toward a Model of English Acquisition for Deaf Learners, Lisa N. Michaud and Kathleen F. McCoy