
Submissions from 2024


Their Truth is Out There: Scientific (Dis)trust and Alternative Epistemology in Online Health Groups, Megan E. Cullinan, Melissa Zimdars, and Kilhoe Na


Understanding Membership in Alternative Health Social Media Groups and Its Association with COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccination: Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey, Kilhoe Na, Melissa Zimdars, and Megan E. Cullinan


“Teetering on a Tightrope”: Uncertainty and Information Management During the Cancer Pre-Diagnosis Phase, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Andrew C. Tollison


“You need to speak up”: Agency in the cancer pre-diagnosis phase, Lisa Glebatis Perks, Andrew C. Tollison, and Rebecca Legro


An Autoethnographic Springboard to More Extensive Lifespan Writing Research, Kathleen Shine Cain, Pamela B. Childers, and Leigh Ryan


Alt‐health influencers and the threat of social media deplatforming, Melissa Zimdars


Alternative health groups on social media, misinformation, and the (de) stabilization of ontological security, Melissa Zimdars, Megan E. Cullinan, and Kilhoe Na

Submissions from 2018


Spoiler Definitions and Behaviors in the Post-Network Era, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Noelle McElrath-Hart


Podcasts and Productivity: A Qualitative Uses and Gratifications Study, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Jacob S. Turner

Submissions from 2017


Television Spoilers Recast as Narrative Teasers, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Noelle McElrath-Hart

Submissions from 2016


The Television Spoiler Nuisance Rationale, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Noelle McElrath-Hart

Submissions from 2015

Addressing Language Barriers in Client-Centered Health Promotion: Lessons Learned and Promising Practices From Texas WIC, Jennifer Greenberg Seth, Matthew G. Isbell, Robin Dochen Atwood, and Tara C. Ray

Broadening Organizational Communication Curricula: Collaboration as Key to 21st-Century Organizing, Renee Guariello Heath and Matthew G. Isbell

Development and Implementation of Client-Centered Nutrition Education Programs in a 4-Stage Framework, Matthew G. Isbell, Jennifer Greenberg Seth, Robin Dochen Atwood, and Tara C. Ray


Cultivating Community Through Academic Blogging, Lisa Glebatis Perks

Media Marathoning: Immersions in Morality, Lisa Glebatis Perks

Submissions from 2014

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Participants Perceive That Zobey's Jungle Jive Promotes Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Their Preschool-Aged Children, Jennifer Greenberg Seth, Matthew G. Isbell, Amanda Hovis, and Robin Dochen Atwood

A Client-centered Nutrition Education Model: Lessons Learned from Texas WIC, Matthew G. Isbell, Jennifer Greenberg Seth, Robin Dochen Atwood, and Tara C. Ray

Electile Disfunction: The Burlesque Binds of the Sarah Palin MILF Frame, Lisa Glebatis Perks and Kevin A. Johnson

Submissions from 2013


Original Plumbing: Performing Gender Variance Through Relational Self-Determination, Raechel Tiffe

Submissions from 2012

The Role of Boundary Spanners as the Interorganizational Link in Nonprofit Collaborating, Matthew G. Isbell

Sox and Stripes: Baseball’s Ironic American Dreams, Lisa Glebatis Perks


The Ancient Roots of Humor Theory, Lisa Glebatis Perks

Three Satiric Television Decoding Positions, Lisa Glebatis Perks

Submissions from 2011

From Comfort Zone to Contact Zone: Lessons from a Belfast Writing Centre, Kathleen Shine Cain

Successful Writing Skill Acquisition Within the Business Curriculum, Jane D. Parent, Kathryn Nielsen, Kristin Stowe, Lisa A. Schwartz, Patricia Sendall, and Kathleen Shine Cain

Submissions from 2010

Collaborative Tensions: Practitioners’ Experiences of Interorganizational Relationships, Laurie Lewis, Matthew G. Isbell, and Matt Koschmann

Polysemic Scaffolding: Explicating Discursive Clashes in Chappelle’s Show, Lisa Glebatis Perks

Submissions from 1999

Andre Dubus, Kathleen Shine Cain

Leon Uris, Kathleen Shine Cain

Submissions from 1998

Leon Uris: A Critical Companion, Kathleen Shine Cain

Submissions from 1995


Sheila Radley, Kathleen Shine Cain

Submissions from 1994

Living in the USA: Cultural Contexts for Reading and Writing, Kathleen Shine Cain

Submissions from 1993

Exploring Literature: A Collaborative Approach, Kathleen Shine Cain, Michael J. Rossi, and Albert DeCiccio

Submissions from 1992

The Allyn & Bacon Workbook, Kathleen Shine Cain