Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2021

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




Audrey Falk

Second Advisor

Melissa Nemon


Many Japanese who have been living in the U.S. for more than decades identify themselves as Japanese, not U.S. citizens. This so called transnational identity has an impact on how they assimilate or integrate to American social life. The purpose of this project is to explore the better learning environment and the effects of education for Japanese adult immigrants who may not actively participate in local communities. A workshop was held with Japanese residents in the Boston area to explore microaggressions and how people can think about their engagement with their communities. Workshop evaluation findings suggested that there is a great need to deeply explore microaggressions and harmful stereotypes. The implications of this study suggest the continued need to keep providing opportunities for learning social justice issues and community engagement with fellow Japanese so that they could be more confident to live peacefully in American communities no matter how they identify themselves, desirably as members of being mutually beneficial for their wellbeing.
