Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2019

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Sean McCarthy


A critical component of educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities is the implementation of a transition plan. Transition plans are applied throughout the individuals’ educational career to provide a positive and comfortable shift from school to postschool life whether that be continuing education or employment. These plans are part of a student’s Individualize Education Plan and are a collaborative effort among faculty, staff, and support in the student’s life. In order for these plans to be effective, students need to learn the skills of self-determination to take a leadership role in their transition plan, individualize education plan and throughout their life. Through a review of literature, a data analysis, and recommendations, this paper examines the importance of self-determination skills on individuals with disabilities. When these skills are taught in the classroom and applied throughout the student’s life, it provides the student with better employment and postsecondary opportunities.
