Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

First Advisor

Stacie St. Louis


Law enforcement are on the frontlines everyday and see the best and worst society has to offer. They encounter scenes of violence and tragedy and have to learn how to compartmentalize what they see and feel. But what if they struggle to deal with those emotions? Suicide is the second leading cause of death among law enforcement, following behind Covid-19. While there are many reasons including both personal and professional factors that influence suicide ideation in police officers, there are also protective factors that can limit these ideations. Counseling is found to be a protective factor against suicide ideation in law enforcement officers. With a degree in criminology, a family history of law enforcement and a masters degree in clinical mental health counseling, I will have the necessary experience to be able to help law enforcement fight this battle against not only suicide, but also the stigma of seeking help.

Included in

Criminology Commons
