Submissions from 2024
Audit outcomes of non-financial misconduct, Bidisha Chakrabarty, Michael Hyman, and Golap V. Krishnan
Submissions from 2015
Working with Auditors: Tips and Traps, George E. Nogler
Recent Changes in Auditor Going Concern Modification Resolution, George E. Nogler, Inwon Jang, and Kwanghee Cho
CPAs, Librarians, and the Digital Divide, Stephanie Joyce Nogler and George E. Nogler
Submissions from 2014
The Auditor, the Entity, and Social Costs: How Will Auditing Change?, George E. Nogler
Submissions from 2013
How Auditors Get In Trouble--And How To Avoid It, George E. Nogler and John Armstrong
Auditing Treasury Operations: Risks and Traps, George E. Nogler and Inwon Jang
Submissions from 2012
Auditor's Going-Concern Modification Decision in the Post-Enron Era, George E. Nogler and Inwon Jang
Submissions from 2011
Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Was the “One-Size-Fits-All” Approach Justified?, George E. Nogler and Inwon Jang
Submissions from 2008
Going Concern Modifications, CPA Firm Size, and the Enron Effect, George E. Nogler