Date of Award

Spring 2016

Degree Type

Capstone - Open Access

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Advisor

Susan Marine


The fundamental purpose for the existence of every educational institution is to provide knowledge and value through the teaching and learning exercise. Positive culture is an invisible yet significant element of success that inspires excellence in colleges and universities that enjoy good reputation. This qualitative study investigated the power of college culture in improving the quality and performance of a low performing college to become a high performing college through the college’s day to day operations and services. Six faculty and senior administrators were interviewed to determine how positive culture delivery is perceived to function, impacts students’ academic success, students’ retention, faculty and staff satisfaction/retention and the distinctive image that a positive culture can make for the college in the internal and external forum. The findings include a set of factors that are evident in a toxic culture and how to facilitate a transition to a positive college culture with examples that have played out at college levels. Important steps to consider in this is by choosing good leaders equipped with the cultural competence, drafting a new mission statement or reviewing it periodically, hiring and training faculty and staff to understand and support the college’s mission, organizing programs that will pull the entire college community together in one place and doing something together. Further recommendations include giving a clear-cut definition of tasks and functions to reduce work stress and enhance good results through commitment and dedication to tasks and responsibilities in order to sustain the positive culture.
