Submission Preparation Guidelines
This document provides details on typesetting, layout, and requirements pertaining to blind manuscript submission to Across the Bridge: The Merrimack Undergraduate Research Journal.
Formatting Requirements
Please submit manuscript that conform to these standards:
- .doc or .docx file format
- 1-Inch page margins
- 12 point Times New Roman or closest comparable font, double spaced
- Abstract- maximum of 200 words (to be placed on its own page prior to the full manuscript)
- 5 keywords (to be placed directly after the abstract)
- 8000 word maximum, including references and footnotes
- Any formatting and citation style is permitted as long as it is consistent, and aligns with the conventions of the discipline (e.g. APA, MLA, CMOS, Harvard).
- If your manuscript contains figures or images, include a separate list of figures with your submission and identify the file format (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, PNG). All images including charts and graphs must include an accompanying caption in the paper.
- Name
- Professor's Name
- Acknowledgements
- Course Number
- File properties
- Name
- Year/Graduating Class
- Major and School in which the research takes place (e.g. Human Development, School of Education and Social Policy)
- Discipline of Paper
- Phone Number
- Merrimack Email Address
- Name and Email of Faculty Advisor
- Word Count
- IRB Number (if applicable)